Thursday, November 02, 2006

Fake History

Parthian Coines

Parthian coins: Fakes by Jews. Notice the hooked noses on the coins.


bc said...

How do you know those coins are fakes? Jews, in fact, did occupy the Indo-Parthian region from Charsadda, around Gandhara, to Ar-Rukhaj(Kandahar)

These were the old Afghans (Arabian Jews).

bc said...

It is also likely that their noses were aquiline and extremely high at the nasion.

zed said...

Lol, not everything is a Jewish conspiracy. Many of the fakes you mention are not backed up with any evidence.

Anonymous said...

Get a life you looser, and get over your paranoid obsession with Jews

Mahyar said...

Remember when Abraham said unto his father Azar: Take thou idols for gods...

Arabs and Jews are the Children of Abraham.This verse of the Quran says the name of Abrahams father was Azar which is a Persian name.

Maybe that's why many Arabs look like Iranians and Indians!